Rules to apply

1. You must be Chicano! Not Latino or Hispanic, but specifically Chicano!

2. You must be a creator or artist of any kind. This isn't a directory for personal websites or pages.

3. You must be 18 years or older.

4. Bigotry and hate speech are not tolerated.

5. Using or promoting generative AI, NFTs, blockchain assets, or cryptotrading is not allowed.

6. If you join the webring, you must add the webring widget onto your website.

7. You can join the webring with any kind of static website hosting -,,, etc.

8. You can join the static directory with any kind form of social media directly related to your art. Carrd, Linktree, or Straw.Page are also allowed.


Copy and paste the following form into an email, fill it out, and send it to Make sure your subject line is "Your name / Site title - Directory Application", otherwise your application might get lost. Your email will be kept private.

Will you join the webring directory or the static directory?: You can be a part of both, but please send one application for each.

Image: An image that represents you or your work. This'll appear besides your entry. Square dimensions are preferred. We will save and host the image on our website.

Page Title: This can be your name or whatever you page goes by.

Webpage URL: Your website's index page, or your primary social media page.

88px x 31px Button URL: This is optional. This will be included in your description. We will save and host the button on our website.

Description of you / your page: This description will be visible in the directory. Tell us about yourself and your work! Try to keep it to one paragraph.

How would you categorize your work? Are you an illustrator, animator, musician, craft worker, a web designer, or make videos? Is there something here unlisted that you would categorize yourself as? What type of creator are you? Your entry will be tagged as such.

What other communities are you a part of? This is optional, and should only be shared if you are comfortable. Your entry will be tagged as such.

Content rating of your work: General audiences, Teen / 13 years or older, or mature content only suitable for adults. Choose only one, of course. Your entry will be tagged as such.

You will receive a response in 2-4 days. If you are accepted, you will be added to the directory of your choice. Feedback will be provided for applications that need to be adjusted. We reserve the right to refuse any application for any reason.

Adding the webring widget

It takes a few quick steps to add the webring widget onto your website once you've been added to the webring directory.

First, you must copy and paste the webring CSS link below in between your <head> </head> tags.

Next, you must choose a location on your index page where you want the widget to appear. Copy and paste the following script, making sure that this code is in between the <body> </body> tags.

The website URL that you choose to add into the directory must match where you place your widget. If your website hasn't been added to the directory, adding the webring widget will bring up an error. If you've already been added to the directory but are still getting an error, contact us at