Frequently Asked Questions
What does "Chicano" mean?
"Chicano", "Chicana", "Chicané", or "Chicanx" is an ethnic Mexican-American cultural identity from the United States. The central, unifying ideas of Chicano cultural identity is refusal to assimilate into white American culture and pride in Chicano culture. There are several sections on the home page that expand upon this, along with sources and further reading. What "Chicano" means is unique to each Chicano person and how they express themselves.
I'm Latino, but I'm not Mexican-American, am I Chicano?
"Chicano" refers specifically to those of Mexican-American descent, so the term "Chicano" wouldn't apply to you unless you have some Mexican-American heritage as well!
I'm Mexican-American, am I Chicano?
We can't answer that! If you have to ask someone else "Am I Chicano?" then you probably aren't Chicano, at least not yet. The only person you can ask "Am I Chicano?" and get an answer from is yourself. No one can tell you that you are Chicano, it is something that you must feel and know without even questioning it. Being of Mexican-American descent and having a non-Anglocentric sense of identity are crucial parts of being Chicano, but it doesn't automatically make you Chicano.
It's completely understandable to have this question. American society at large doesn't teach us about Chicano culture or identity, and oftentimes it pushes us away from learning the history. If you're still unsure whether you feel as though you're Chicano or not, keep ruminating on that question and maybe read up on some Chicano history to come to your own conclusions. Questions of identity are deeply personal and take time, so remember that it's never too late to learn and grow.
"Mexican-American" and "Chicano" are not synonymous, of course. Being Mexican-American is typically something you're born into, whereas calling yourself Chicano is a personal choice. There are many Mexican-American individuals who don't call themselves "Chicano" for their own reasons.
Do you have to be an activist to be Chicano?
A lot of Chicanos are activists, definitely, but not all Chicanos are activists, and it is not a pre-requisite.
That being said, because being Chicano means refusing to assimilate to American whiteness, calling yourself Chicano and engaging in Chicano culture is seen as an inherently political act, or an act of rebellion. While not all Chicanos are activists and protestors, all Chicanos are politically aware.
Didn't the Chicano movement end in the 60s?
I'm Mexican-American but I prefer the term Mexican-American / Latino / Hispanic, can I join?
This is a webring for artists and creators who identify as Chicanos! Chicanos and Mexican-Americans who prefer to just be referred to as such or as Latino or Hispanic will always be in a larger community altogether, but this particular webring won't be the right fit for you!
I'm a Chicano creator, but creating is only my hobby, can I still join?
Absolutely! So long as you're a Chicano creator and you share your work online in a designated space / gallery you can join, regardless of whether it's merely a hobby or a part of your career.
I'm a Chicano creator, but I don't have a gallery / my website or page is only personal, can I still join?
This isn't a directory for personal pages! If you would like to join, you need a gallery or page / website specifically of your work.
If you have a personal website that has a gallery in it, that can work! The directory would only link to your gallery, though, as opposed to the front page of your personal website.
I want to apply, but how would I write my description?
It can be hard to describe ourselves and our work, but don't let it dissuade you from applying.
Here's an exercise that might help: Imagine that you are tabling at an art festival and a stranger walks up to your table, what would you tell them? You would most likely introduce yourself and explain what your work is, what it's like, and why you make what you do - all while keeping it friendly and casual. Try to write your description as such!
I'm already in the directory, can I change something with my entry?
Of course!
If you'd like to change something with your entry - the image, the URL, description, button, maturity rating, or anything - or delete your entry, email with your changes. Make sure your subject line is "Your name / Site title - Entry change", so that it's perfectly clear. You can change your entry as much as you want as often as you want, and choose to delete it if your prefer.